Meet Pat
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Pat O’Keefe, M.S., CH, RM, is a trance medium and psychic who is led by an angelic presence. She is also an astral traveler, Tarot reader, Reiki Master, a Consulting Hypnotist, natural born Witch, author and photographer. She comes from a long line of psychically gifted women, known throughout the Appalachian Mountains as “Granny Women.” These women were the mystics of the mountains, the healers when there were no doctors available.
One of Pat’s earliest memories is of her great-grandmother whispering secret, magickal words and then telling her that the wart on her hand would be gone in two weeks. It was. Her great-grandmother’s gifts were shared with others in her bloodline. Pat’s grandmother’s divination tool was the spirit board and her mother read palms. Both had incredibly strong gifts of discernment and intuition and both had the gift of precognition. Pat was raised by these amazing women to embrace her gifts, which include the “4 C’s”: claircognizance (clear knowing), clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), and clairsentience (clear feeling), as well as psychometry (object reading), dream interpretation, and astral projection. As a trance medium, a type of mediumship common in the Victorian era, she connects on a deep level to those who have passed. In all her spiritual work, psychic and mediumship, she is led by an angelic presence. She also has the rare gift to see other people’s past lives.
To better connect clients with that gift she trained as a Consulting Hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). Connecting with past lives to understand the present can be profoundly healing. In addition, she is a Reiki Master and uses this gift in all her works.
She is a sought-after public speaker on a wide range of paranormal topics. She has spoken at the prestigious Lily Dale summer program in New York State, on “Using Different Modalities in Mediumship for Deeper Connections,” having received a 5 star rating from participants. She also presented on the topic, “The Cassandra Effect”. She spoke recently in northern Virginia with sisters, Misty and Ashley Conner, with whom she co-conducted a spiritual healing session.
Pat is the author of seven books, which focus on the paranormal and psychic realms. She recently co-wrote, Field of Fears: The Haunting of Randolph County Asylum. She also recently co-wrote, Spells and Stories of The Sisterhood of Magick and Wonders. Her passion is photography and her work is featured in national and international paranormal-themed books and magazines, along with dozens of articles she has written on a variety of preternatural topics. She was recently one of the subjects for the documentary, "Season of the Witch." She completed a deck of oracle cards this past year, based on her photography, The Faerie World Oracle deck. She is working on another set of oracle cards, a book, and a documentary, “There’s Magick in them Mountains,” set for production in 2023.
In order to pay back Karama, when Pat accepts a current or cold missing person's case, she never accepts money beyond travel expenses, if needed. All of the members of The Sisterhood have worked on a variety of missing persons cases.
Pat earned a Master of Science degree through Old Dominion University, in Norfolk, Virginia, and has completed additional graduate and post-graduate studies through Virginia Tech, George Mason University, and Radford University. She spent her career as a journalist, journalism instructor, and director of marketing and public relations at a Virginia state college. Pat is a member of the International High IQ Society.

I look forward to speaking with you and connecting you with someone you thought was lost to you forever.
Contacting someone you love who has crossed over can be a life-changing experience. To find out that they are OK, that they do check in on you, that the little things you've noticed that makes you think they are with you, even now -- are all true.
It is not necessary, but expediant to tell me the name and relationship of the person to you. This simply speeds up the reading, so that valuable time is not wasted.
Answers to your questions about LIFE * LOVE * CAREER can be found here, too.